Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Sunday, May 5th: Last day in Scotland!

View of Edinburgh from the Castle!

Today was a fantastic day for the students on the Ireland/ UK trip. After a quick continental breakfast at the hotel, we embarked towards Edinburgh Castle. The half mile long walk gave us a perfect chance to look at the beautiful landscape of Scotland. We could see how the city melted into the seaside, and it provided a lovely view.

As we walked up the cobblestone path to the castle, it unfolded right before our eyes. We could see it becoming bigger and grander and with each step, the students became more excited to see what was inside. The castle provided a fantastic insight to the history of Scotland. We were able too see 500 year old cannons, the jewels of Scotland and several magnificent churches all within the walls of the castle. The class spent about two hours within the castle walls, and then we were able to break off into smaller groups and explore Edinburgh on our own.

Exploring with fellow students Rosemary Crowley, Melanie Zacharitz, and Sara Godin, we all saw many fantastic things. The cobblestone streets held street vender's selling all kinds of homemade art, and the shops all gave a unique insight on the culture of Scotland. One of the most fantastic things we saw while exploring the Royal Mile was a street performer named Todd Various. He did several stunts involving whips, heckled the crowd and for his final act escaped a straight jacket. The performance was an incredible and funny sight to behold.

After returning to the hotel to check in, the class got dinner on their own. A small group and I chose to walk to the market near the hotel and pick up a cheap but filling pre-made meal. After we ate, it was time to pack as tomorrow we leave for London!

                                                          Top sites (Click for More Info!):
                                                    1. Edinburgh Castle

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